Thursday, October 31, 2019

Review theory, current trends and development of the Nhs in light of Literature

Theory, current trends and development of the Nhs in light of sustainable business. Ie stakeholder engagement waiting th - Literature review Example Gleeds (2010) reported that as first phase of developing sustainable business models, NHS identified potential source of carbon emission. NHS in UK found 40% raise in carbon emission its different operational activities ranging from travel, building operations and procurement in healthcare network. In such context, UK government had taken stringent measures to control activities of healthcare organizations to reduce carbon emission in operation. The UK government also wanted the emergence of an organization or association which can set examples for other players in terms of reduction of carbon footprint in the value chain. NHS found it the ideal situation to lead the sustainable business model movement and during 2008, National Health Service launched Improving Health campaign and Saving Carbon campaign. As part of the program, NHS staff, NHS itself and partners got the opportunity to consult other healthcare organizations when it comes to reducing carbon footprint in operation (Glee ds, 2010). ... In the workplace, NHS staff is being encouraged to decrease use of fuel fed vehicles and use of papers and perform other green habits. Procurement - more than 50% of annual NHS carbon footprints (more than 10 million tonnes) are being produced through logistics and transports of goods. In such context, NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency (PASA) established partnership with Department of Health (DH) and Sustainable Development Commission (SDC) in order implement low carbon solutions in the procurement process. NHS directed monthly transportation limit for fuel fed vehicles. As result of such strategic initiatives, NHS has been able to save ?40 million/year by reducing carbon emission throughout the supply chain by 10%. Waste Reduction- NHS incurred additional cost of ?71.2 million in 2007-2008 due to waste generated from its operation. In such context, NHS SDU and DH practices are being moderated simultaneously to reduce the amount of waste generated from operation by 40% (Gleeds, 2010). Significant amount of carbon based pollution (by CO2 and CO) caused from untreated waste (Begg, Van der Woerd and Levy, 2005; Boiral, 2006). Therefore, NHS took step for reducing waste in operation that can alternatively reduce overall carbon emission. Smith and Ward (2007), Sterling (2001) and Stern (2007) supported the fact that organizations can deploy sustainable business models based on carbon reduction formulae by integrating all the above mentioned activities such as Energy & Carbon Management, Procurement of sources, reducing waste and ensuring minimal carbon emission at transport. In the next section, the study will discuss two case studies regarding sustainable

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Most of the civilizations discussed in this section of class were Essay

Most of the civilizations discussed in this section of class were established on major rivers - Essay Example These were made of perfectly curved blocks whose construction have remained a mystery since it is not known how the builders carried the over five tones of building materials to the top of the building. Another technology included the production of dyes and inks by the use of plants, soot gum, fish and water. There were also water and sundial clocks. The seasonal flooding of the River Nile resulted in the deposition of fertile silt from the deserts thereby promoting agriculture along the river (Spielvogel, 2009). The Egyptians ploughed using human and animal drought machinery. Since the River Nile was prone to seasonal flooding, trenches were constructed to guide water to crops hence promoting basin irrigation. Agrarianism was a major practice in the ancient Egypt. The communities in the Upper Nile however carried out fishing, hunting and gathering as their major economic activities (Spielvogel, 2011). They hunted Zebras and cattle to bring food into the Nile. Agricultural products, game meat and fish were traded amongst themselves on a barter trade basis. The hunters and gatherers exchanged their game meat with farm products from the agrarian communities. This was because there was no trade and cultural diffusion between Egypt and the surrounding countries at that time. The river did not only provide water for irrigation and fish, but also provided a means of transport. The communities around the Nile used boats to travel along the river from one settlement to another (Quie & Bell, 2011). Winds helped boats travel against the river current and along the river. For fear that large boats would capsize; the Upper Nile communities used small boats such as canoes to travel through the region. Egyptian social system was strict and the government was centralized; it was divided into social classes in the order of the Pharaoh, Pharaoh’s family and relatives, nobles, priests, scribes, soldiers, workers, peasants, foreigners and slaves. In

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Assertion of Indianness in Amish Tripathi’s Trilogy

Assertion of Indianness in Amish Tripathi’s Trilogy In the present times, with expanding globalisation, the world is getting closer. Prospects for Indian writings in English, in this scenario, have also expanded. English is gaining popularity and the same has become a language of upper and middle class Indians. Indian writings in English are not only popular among these classes of Indians but are also being read across the world. Contemporary Indian writers who write in English try their best to show themselves as much rooted as possible in Indian Culture and assert their Indianness. In this paper, we’ll analyse Amish Tripathi’s Shiva trilogy to explore his assertion of Indianness. Amish Tripathi is known for his mythological fiction writing in the era when other writers mostly highlight contemporary family values, moral values, customs, culture and many other aspects to emphasize Indianness in their writing, Amish Tripathi has chosen mythology to assert the Indianness. In this study, we will also look at Tripathi’s views regarding Indianness and see how far has he succeeded in asserting Indianness in his trilogy. Before we move ahead it is necessary to understand the concept of Indianness. India is a land of co-existing multiple cultures and traditions. U.S. Rukhaiyar and Amar Nath Prasad in Studies in Indian Poetry in English state that â€Å"Indianness is a particular, individualistic ‘life-attitude’ and ‘mode of perception’ † (149). They further quote Prof. V.K. Gokak who describes Indianness as â€Å"a composite awareness in the matter of race, milieu, language and religion† (149). Thus, Indianness can be considered as the summation of diverse cultures of India and ideology and ideals which composes India. Amish Tripathi’s first book of the trilogy, The Immortals of Meluha was published in 2010 followed by The Secret of the Nagas in 2011 and The Oath of Vayuputras in 2013. Tripathi appears to be a devotee of Shiva (S. Pandit). Although, during his youth he was an atheist but he returned to faith, when started writing these books (S. Babbar). He became religious to the extent to regard religion as a trope to define Indianness. Tripathi defines Indianness in Verve as follows: The Indianness of India lies in our religiosity. I wouldn’t restrict it to any particular religion, since we have practically every religion in the world existing within India. It is our attitude towards religion. Simply put, our deep religiosity defines the Indianness of India. Now, if his turning religious is only for getting a wider readership in India where majority of people are religious or if he truly felt it, is something we don’t know. But, certainly his trilogy occurs as a persuading text for our not-much-caring-about-religion youth to attract them to become religious. His first book begins at ‘Mansarovar Lake’ in Tibet in 1900 BC where Shiva is the chief of a tribe called ‘Gunas’. The story begins when Shiva along with his tribe decides to move to ‘Meluha’, an organised (read more cultured and prosperous) kingdom with facilities and comfort, to avoid attacks from a neighbouring tribe called ‘Pakratis’. Shiva meets the immortal Meluhans that follow the path set out by Ram and call themselves ‘Suryavanshis’. Soon on an occasion, Shiva drinks ‘Somras’ that gives Shiva a blue throat. There was a prophecy that Suryavanshis believed in. According to which the blue throated one, the ‘Neelkantha’ will gain them victory over their rivals, ‘Chandravanshis’ who have hired evil assassins, the ‘Nagas’ to attack and conquer Meluha. Shiva, there, also meets a beautiful girl named Sati and marries her. Sati is kidnapped by a Naga in front of Shiva. As a result, Shiva soon learns that ‘Chandravanshis’ are not the real evil and marches to the land of Nagas in search of evil in The Secret of the Nagas. That land of Nagas is shown as occupied by deformed beings. During his quest he meets Kali, sister of his wife Sati and Ganesh, the first son of Sati. In The Oath of Vayuputras Shiva gets to know about the ill effects of Somras. It has caused reduction in the water level of Saraswati River and the waste formed during the manufacture of Somras was put in the Tsangpo River, which has caused plague in a place called Branga. Also, the birth deformities of Nagas were caused by it. After learning that Meluha is the heart of producing Somras, Shiv attacks Meluha. He acquires ‘Pashupatiastra’ from Vayuputras, a tribe led by previous Mahadev, Rudra that avowed to support Neelkantha, and destroys Devagiri, the capital of Meluha. Amish Tripathi makes use of the ancient Indian mythology of Shiva, but blends it with fiction. According to A Glossary of Literary Terms by M. H. Abrams and Geoffrey Galt Harpham, mythology â€Å"is a system of hereditary stories of ancient origin which were once believed to be true by a particular cultural group, and which served to explain why the world is as it is and things happen as they do, to provide a rationale for social customs and observances, and to establish the rules by which people conduct their lives.† Mythology may be considered to be history by a few people, but one could argue that it is fiction and therefore there is no single version of mythology. It is generally twisted and turned according to one’s belief. Indian Mythology, in the same way, provides a way of life for Indians. Tripathi refers to the mythology of Shiva that can be found in the epic called Shivpuran. Encyclopaedia Britannica provides glimpses of Shiva’s stature in Hindu or Indian culture as: Shiva, (Sanskrit: â€Å"Auspicious One†)†¦one of the main deities of Hinduism, whom Shaivas worship as the supreme god (Shaivism). Among his common epithets are Shambhu (â€Å"Benign†), Shankara (â€Å"Beneficent†), Mahesha (â€Å"Great Lord†), and Mahadeva (â€Å"Great God†)†¦Shiva is represented in a variety of forms: in a pacific mood with his consort Parvati and son Skanda, as the cosmic dancer (Nataraja), as a naked ascetic, as a mendicant beggar, as a yogi, and as the androgynous union of Shiva and his consort in one body, half-male and half-female (Ardhanarishvara). As Bhairava, he is often depicted as a Dalit (formerly called an untouchable) and accompanied by a dog. He is both the great ascetic and the master of fertility, and he is the master of both poison and medicine, through his ambivalent power over snakes. As Lord of Beasts (Pashupati), he is the benevolent herdsman—or, at times, the merciless slaughterer of the â₠¬Å"beasts† that are the human souls in his care. Tripathi takes up traditional Indian mythology, which is regarded as factual history by some especially religious ones and as fiction by others, and creates his own fiction. The story that Tripathi weaves is such that it includes major characters and events related to Shiva in the ancient Indian mythology but modifies the traditional narrative. The actions, the narrative, signs and codes of traditional mythology are changed to the extent that they â€Å"are reduced to names, vague references and symbols, while the poetic abilities of the author are hampered by religious sentiments† (Eric M. Gurevitch). Shiva although embodies the same power and same status but the manner in which events associated with him takes place are altered. Ganesh, traditionally believed to be Shiva’s own son is shown here as a child bore by Sati, Shiva’s wife, prior to their marriage. So what we can see is that Tripathi plays with traditional mythology that we know about. Also, Tripathi has shown his characters not as Gods but as humans. Shiva, Sati, Kali, Ganesh, Kartik, they are all there in human believable form unlike their projection in Vedas and Puranas where they had supernatural powers. Shiva is the chief of a Tibetan tribe and others also have human forms. However, these humans that Tripathi depicts are too perfect for being a human. For example, Shiva is always morally correct. His relationship with Sati is never shown as a relationship of passion that a human being might have. Therefore, we can say that the values that a traditional Shiva possess are not violated by Tripathi. He is a God-like person. Thus, we see a fine balance of Tripathi’s own imagination and traditional ancient Indian mythology. Since Mythology, on its own, has no rigid boundaries and could be moulded or transformed up to any stretch of imagination of writer himself, these novels provide an alternate mythology for the Indian reader. However, for a non- Indian reader who is not well acquainted with traditional mythology of India, this trilogy can serve as the only mythology of India. Tripathi in his novels has also tried to amalgamate ancient Indian mythology with recent history and contemporary reality. The relationship between Meluha, the land of Suryavanshi’s and Swadeep, the kingdom of Chandravanshi’s reminds the readers of the relationship between India and Pakistan. Chandravanshis constantly attacked Suryavanshis which is reminiscent of terrorist attacks by Pakistan (Eric .M. Gurevitch). Also, Pakistanis uphold the symbol of moon which again links it to the Chandravanshis, where ‘Chandra’ means moon. Although, Tripathi by showing that Chandravanshis are not the real evil is highlighting that Pakistanis may be misunderstood by Indians. One can also say that the tensions between Meluhans and Nagas replicates the tension between India and China or Indian government and the Northeastern Tribes of India. ‘Naga’ is an actual tribe in northeast India. The Nagas in the story are neglected, feared and looked at as enemy because of their abnormality. Kali and Ganesha were abandoned by Meluhans because they had an extra pair of hands and an animal head. Kali and Ganesh attacks Meluhans to assert their independence and to mark their identity. It resembles the strife that we constantly see between north-east Indians and rest of Indians because of their Mongoloid looks that are uncommon outside north-east India. Tripathi also brings in International tensions in his fiction. The picture of Meluhans producing toxic Somras that causes deformities in Nagas reminds us of World War II, where USA dropped Atom Bombs upon Japan that causes various deformities in Japanese of radiation affected areas till date. Another aspect that makes his mythological fiction in tune with contemporary world is the introduction of scientific dimension. When Shiva reaches Meluha for the first time he sees that Meluhans use modern equipment like showers etc. They also excel in medicine. And apart from this, they are advanced enough to produce Somras which is told to be a chemical compound, which if taken in undiluted form can be poisonous. Also, the two Asrtras, ‘Brahmastra’ and ‘Pashupatiastra’ mentioned in the books can be seen as a product of modern science. The Pashupatiastra is a missile (possibly nuclear fission missile) of Pashupati (another name of Lord Shiva in traditional Hindu Mythology), used to destroy specific targeted area, while the Brahmastra is a missile (possibly nuclear fusion missile) of Brahma which does not have a controlled effect. (Sreedharan 778) It is clear that Tripathi indulges in all the above aspects as he is aspiring for larger readership. New generations that are inclined towards science and the older ones that still holds on to mythology, both are attracted towards this amalgam that Tripathi has created. With this, he is reviving interest of young generation, which is overshadowed by scientific reasoning, in mythology by justifying mythology through science and warfare technology. This combination of science and mythology that Tripathi uses, makes his novels and the ideas that he infuses in them as more acceptable to the reader. Despite above, one cannot ignore his conspicuous argument that he is trying to show in his Trilogy about Indianness that we’ll see later in this paper. Furthermore, Tripathi also showcases Indian values, traditions and customs efficiently. Throughout the series, we see that there is commitment in each and every relationship portrayed. The relationship between Shiva and Sati is a strong bond which is not broken even when Shiva gets to know about Ganesha. Sati and Shiva both are equally respectful to each other. Similarly, Shiva is a true friend. He doesn’t let his position as a chief come between him and Bhadra. He always wonders â€Å"Why does he keeps forgetting that he has been my closest friend since childhood? My becoming the chief hasn’t really changed anything.† (The Immortals of Meluha 13) Apart from this Indian salutation of ‘Namaste’ is constantly used in the books along with the gesture of bowing down and touching somebody’s feet out of respect. Though Tripathi claims to assert Indianness through his trilogy, one needs to understand his notion of Indianness and his literary practice, which could be disappointing for some readers. Even though he expressed his version of Indianness in Verve referred above where he seems to believe that Indianness is defined by religiosity and all the religions evoke the idea of Indianness, but while writing this Trilogy, he completely ignored all other religions but Hinduism. This fact emphasizes that to become more Indian, Hinduism is the only way. Hinduism might be a way of life for majority of Indians, but Indian culture cannot be defined in terms of Hinduism only. Indian culture is a diverse cultural and is formed by different communities having different faiths. Also, what about those citizens of India that are non- religious. Are they not true Indians? By giving himself to a single faith, despite his claim of multiplicity of religious faith, Tripathi seems to be propagating Hinduism. Exc ept this, he takes all the right steps as he blends in all the other elements to make his trilogy acceptable for most readers spreading across all the age groups and nations. Thus, though it seems that Tripathi has been able to assert his version of Indianness by resorting to mythology, where he relates it to contemporary reality and also by showing traditions and customs practiced in India. But he definitely could not provide true idea of Indianness which embodies the idea of ‘unity in diversity’. He appears to believe that if one wants to be more Indian, then one should embrace his or her religiosity. According to this statement, he clearly seems to neglect the group of non- believers in India. However, even if we ignore the fact that he has neglected the group of non-believers in his ideology of Indianness, he by not involving other religious beliefs, has not been able to implement his ideology successfully in his works till date. Despite this approach, Tripathi has succeeded in garnering commercial success but he also apparently has succeeded in propagating Hinduism. Moreover, it is important to see that while writing this Trilogy, he has considered Hindu mythology as Indian mythology, which could possibly be because Hinduism is originated from India, while other religions like Christianity and Islam did not. Religions like Buddhism, Jainism or Sikhism have their roots in some way or the other in Hinduism. However, his considering Hindu mythology as Indian mythology led to ignoring all the other mythologies of India, even that of native tribal communities of India. He has neglected the diversity of Indian culture. And that is why it is difficult to say that Tripathi has been able to assert Indianness successfully and justly. We can still hope that he might include all those categories of so far neglected people in his upcoming works and will be able to present a more justified, true and acceptable picture of Indianness because Tripathi’s novels have a huge readership including young generation across the world. His representation of Indianness in a truer manner will help these readers to get a better and near to truth picture of India. Works Cited Abrams, M.H., Geoffrey Galt Harpham. A Glossary of Literary Terms. 10th ed. Delhi: Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd, 2012. Print. Babbar, Sonakshi. â€Å"Writing changed me from an atheist to a Shiva bhakt: Amish Tripathi†. Hindustan Times 10 September 2011. Print. Gurevitch, Eric .M. â€Å"Implausible Deniability – Reading Amish Tripathi’s ‘Shiva’ Trilogy: Eric Gurevitch†. Kafila. 28 April 2014. Web. 20 Oct. 2014. Pandit, Shruti. My books are Shiva’s blessings. The Times of India 12 June 2012. Print. Rukhaiyar, U.S., and Amar Nath Prasad. Studies in Indian Poetry in English. New Delhi: Sarup Sons, 2002. Print. â€Å"Shiva†. Encyclopaedia Britannica. n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2014. Sreedharan, M.S. Bharatiya Vigyan Manjusha. New Delhi: Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, 2005. Print. Tripathi, Amish. The Immortals of Meluha. Chennai: Westland Ltd, 2010. Print. . The Secret of the Nagas. Chennai: Westland Ltd, 2011. Print. . The Oath of Vayuputras. Chennai: Westland Ltd, 2013. Print. â€Å"The Indianness of India†. Verve Volume 20, Issue 8, August 2012. Web. 20 Oct. 2014.

Friday, October 25, 2019

George Gordon Byron Essay -- George Gordon Byron Essays Biography

George Gordon Byron   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Their are many different opinions on the written works of George Gordon Byron which could include one very big question. Was he a natural born poet or simply a product of abuse and mental illness. His writings may have been more a way to ease his pa and suffering rather than a natural talent. Perhaps his writings were a form of self therapy? Throughout his writings and life history there is much evidence to suggest that his poetry was being greatly influenced by his mental instability. I have l rned much on this great poet and I too believe that his writings were influenced greatly because of the pain and abuse he suffered in his youth. I will attempt to point out the many possibilities to this.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  George Gordon Byron was known as Lord Byron during his lifetime. Byron was born in 1788 and died at the early age of thirty-six in the year 1824. His handsome face, riotous living and many love affairs made Byron the most talked-of man of his day. H was known as a romantic, fascinating figure to his fellow Englishmen. In our current century his reputation has dwindled to merely being known as a poet. His childhood was colorful to say the least. There is much evidence to suggest mental instabilit was inherent in his family. Byron was born on Jan.22, 1788 in London. His great-uncle from whom he inherited the title, was known as â€Å"wicked Lord Byron†; his father army officer, was called â€Å"mad Jack† Byron. This wealth and the nick names of the Byron en went back to at least as far a Lord Byron’s’ Grandfather, a Vice Admiral, known as â€Å"Foul Weather Jack†. He was giving this name as he had a reputation of attracting storms. These titles given to his family only adds to the evidence of mental insta lity. Here’s an interesting note: (His family had a long tradition of marrying its cousins, consequently, there were some oddities among their ancestors. Byron’s grandfather â€Å"Foul Weather Jack† hated his sons and spent a great deal of time trying to destroy their estate, Newstead. He hoped to leave nothing for his sons, so he encouraged swarms of crickets o run throughout the house.) (His Life   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Born with a clubfoot, he was sensitive about it all his life. When he was just three his father died, leaving the family with nearly nothing to survive on. His parents, Catherine Gordon Byron (of the ... ..., self-sacrificing, and accepting of her ate to the point of victimization. In the early episode, Donna Julia breads somewhat out of this role by being the older (23 years old!) married woman and not the innocent girl. Byron thus somewhat reverses gender roles and has the sexually mature woman take a m e active role in seducing the naive and innocent young man. (Don Juan, Canto I  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I believe that Lord Byron was expressing is own pain of the sexual abuse he endured b May Grey at school in his earlier childhood in the character Donna Julia. So in my opinion of all I have discovered about this literary poet is that Lord Byron was not born with a talent for writing poetry. He however did write from his own heart. Wh h is what a truly brilliant poet must do. Had he not have been exposed to physical and sexual abuse in his youth. I feel there is a good possibility he would have never written a single poem He would have had a different profession altogether along w h an entirely different life style. The world was blessed with the many poems of Lord Bryon but only through the suffering of another human being.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Epitaph on Me Essay

Epitaphs are clear reflections of the life that individuals went through. The experiences mentioned may either be good or bad. However, these experiences greatly affected the way I perceived life, and how I would react towards the numerous things that happen around me. Thinking about how I lived my life made me ponder on how people would remember me even if I have left this earth. I have decided that my epitaph would sound something like this: â€Å"I swam across the sea Paddling for victory, Massive shark on the way Started an entirely different story. † Writing epitaphs is an important part of any individual’s life. I wanted my epitaph to be simple, yet amusing and could showcase the life that I lived. For starters, I was born in St. Louis Missouri in STATE YEAR and was raised in a poor neighborhood. I grew up in an environment where I had to learn the realities of life at such a young age. I was a product of a broken family, with my mother single-handedly raising me and my other siblings. I lived with poverty for seventeen years, before I was given the opportunity to join the United States Navy. Being in the service allowed me to become appreciative of the numerous blessings I receive every day. Poverty never came as a hindrance for me to become someone in society, for I was given the rare opportunity to serve my country and my countrymen. All of the experiences mentioned above played an important role in writing my epitaph. The first line which states, â€Å"I swam across the sea† is both literal and metaphorical in meaning. Swimming across the sea is not as easy as it may seem, and this may be compared to the difficulty I experienced as I grew up. As mentioned earlier, I came from a poor family, with my mother being the only one sufficing for our needs. Like swimming the sea, it was not easy to go through life-much hard work and dedication were needed in order to succeed. The second line which states â€Å"Paddling for victory† shows the degree of determination and hard work I was willing to give in order to become successful with my life. I grew up not having much, and being accepted at the United States Navy was my chance to rise up from poverty. Such led me to choose the word â€Å"paddling† to represent the difficulties and challenges that my family and I went through in life. Paddling was normally done in the sea, and was not an easy task for anyone, especially when done in the middle of the sea. The sea was vast and wide –some would give up trying to get to the other side of the â€Å"paddled† boat, trying to fight the hard current. Furthermore, I also attributed my experiences in life as the â€Å"sea†, which was vast and unpredictable. Although I was not financially secured as the others, I was given the equal treatment of making it big in the United States through my acceptance in the United States Navy. â€Å"Paddling for victory† was not a one shot deal – it entailed much from the paddler in order to be successful in life. Like my personal life, I wanted to make sure that I would be able to accomplish much, and become the best individual that I can be. Furthermore, â€Å"paddling† may also be used as the term that best describes my life in the US Navy. Every time I was deployed, I was putting my life on the line; and similar to my epitaph, I was â€Å"paddling for victory. † Such line was applicable to the life I had in the navy, for I had to make sure that I was able to fulfill my duties, while caring for my own life.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Salt: A World History

This book was chosen for review because I was looking for a book that has a history of salt and how it affects us today. Mark Kurlansky, the author of this book, earned a BA in Theater from Butler University in 1970. He has worked as a playwright at Brooklyn College, a commercial fisherman, a dock worker, a paralegal, a cook, and a pastry chef. He worked as a journalist for many companies which are, The International Herald Tribune, The Chicago Tribune, The Miami Herald, and The Philadelphia Inquirer.He had twenty-five books published and received the Pluma Plata award for Salt among many other awards. In the introduction of the book, Mark Kurlansky states how he bought a rock of salt in Cardona. He explains how the rock changed from being dry to having a puddle under it as the weather changed. He states that a person who does think that a fascination with salt is bizarre, then they have never own a rock like the one he had. Mark Kurlansky wrote this book because he is fascinated by salt and wanted to write about the history of salt and how it has been used through all these years.He wanted to provide insight of how salt is valuable to us humans. In the introduction of Salt, Kurlansky talks about his view on salt and the people and how it was used throughout history. He includes Welsh Jungian psychologist Ernest Jones input on human obsession with salt. He also includes a list from the book â€Å"One Hundred and One Uses for Diamond Crystal Salt†, by the Diamond Crystal Salt Company of St. Clair, Michigan. One of these uses is that salt keeps the colors bright on boiled vegetables.Part One is titled A Discourse on Salt, Cadavers, and Pungent Sauces and includes six chapters. At the introduction of part one there is a quote that states â€Å"A country is never as poor as when it seems filled with riches† by Laozi quoted in the Yan tie lun, A Discourse on Salt and Iron, 81 B. C. In chapter one, he explains how because of Lake Yuncheng, a lake of sal ty water in China, caused many wars because many civilizations were fighting for it.In chapter two, Kurlansky correctly explains how salt was used to preserve fish, birds by the technique of disembowelment and salting. Also, he includes how the Egyptian people bodies were preserved because of the dry, salty desert sand that they were buried in. In chapter three, the discovery of salt miners in the Durnberg mountain mine. The bodies were dried and preserved and the bright colors of their clothing was preserved by the salt. Salt: A World History This book was chosen for review because I was looking for a book that has a history of salt and how it affects us today. Mark Kurlansky, the author of this book, earned a BA in Theater from Butler University in 1970. He has worked as a playwright at Brooklyn College, a commercial fisherman, a dock worker, a paralegal, a cook, and a pastry chef. He worked as a journalist for many companies which are, The International Herald Tribune, The Chicago Tribune, The Miami Herald, and The Philadelphia Inquirer.He had twenty-five books published and received the Pluma Plata award for Salt among many other awards. In the introduction of the book, Mark Kurlansky states how he bought a rock of salt in Cardona. He explains how the rock changed from being dry to having a puddle under it as the weather changed. He states that a person who does think that a fascination with salt is bizarre, then they have never own a rock like the one he had. Mark Kurlansky wrote this book because he is fascinated by salt and wanted to write about the history of salt and how it has been used through all these years.He wanted to provide insight of how salt is valuable to us humans. In the introduction of Salt, Kurlansky talks about his view on salt and the people and how it was used throughout history. He includes Welsh Jungian psychologist Ernest Jones input on human obsession with salt. He also includes a list from the book â€Å"One Hundred and One Uses for Diamond Crystal Salt†, by the Diamond Crystal Salt Company of St. Clair, Michigan. One of these uses is that salt keeps the colors bright on boiled vegetables.Part One is titled A Discourse on Salt, Cadavers, and Pungent Sauces and includes six chapters. At the introduction of part one there is a quote that states â€Å"A country is never as poor as when it seems filled with riches† by Laozi quoted in the Yan tie lun, A Discourse on Salt and Iron, 81 B. C. In chapter one, he explains how because of Lake Yuncheng, a lake of sal ty water in China, caused many wars because many civilizations were fighting for it.In chapter two, Kurlansky correctly explains how salt was used to preserve fish, birds by the technique of disembowelment and salting. Also, he includes how the Egyptian people bodies were preserved because of the dry, salty desert sand that they were buried in. In chapter three, the discovery of salt miners in the Durnberg mountain mine. The bodies were dried and preserved and the bright colors of their clothing was preserved by the salt.